action #313
closedEvaluate a composite approach for the needles
Start date:
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% Done:
Estimated time:
4.00 h
To maximize the reuse of needles from one flavor to another, we can modify the needles to include and / or exclude some areas:
area {
"xpos" : 0,
"ypos" : 0,
"width" : 80,
"height" : 60,
"include": true
area {
"xpos" : 100,
"ypos" : 100,
"width" : 80,
"height" : 60,
"include": false
"tags" : [
- This will affect the matching algorithm
- We need to clarify the semantic when there is only one exclude area (match all the image but this area)
- The editor for T10 will be more difficult to implement
Updated by lnussel almost 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
I've implemented this
instead of include=true/false we have now type = include | exclude | ocr
Updated by aplanas over 11 years ago
- Estimated time changed from 25.00 h to 4.00 h