action #284
closedfind out what livecdreboot handles for users-reboot
the does some OCR and it's unclear what it's checking there. it means we're running OCR on the kde greeter
Updated by aplanas almost 12 years ago
- Target version set to T03. Remove the MD5 approach and create a new API semantic
Updated by aplanas almost 12 years ago
- Assignee set to cwh
- Category set to Development
- Due date set to 2013-04-05
- Estimated time set to 4.00 h
- Start date changed from 2013-03-29 to 2013-04-04
Updated by cwh almost 12 years ago
The test name is misleading since it also is executed on non-live cds
It uses 2 kinds of ocr: Some just for getting some lines of text in currentautoinst-log.txt with neither evaluation of the detected text nor any influence on the test flow.
The second ocr only makes sense keeping in mind the timeouts of waitinststage. If the test continues after the timeout it tries to detect the error message that appears in the case the installation of a package failed - before reboot! If this error popup appears the "Details" button is pressed and a screenshot is taken documentation purposes. Then key combinations are pressed to continue the installation.
Then for a not changing screen is waited which is assumed to be the end of the package installation. That is done to make sure that the timeout of the following test is not consumed by the rest of the package installation.
With the new waitforneedle this kind of error detection will not work any more. It has to be rewritten.
Updated by aplanas almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed