action #18282
closed[qam] yast_self_update / yast_no_self_update uselees on ppc64le and s390
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Added by osukup almost 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.
Currenlty this issue is blocking us from testing maintenance updates for installer on non intel architectures.
Sorry, no intent to work in this in near future. You can ask before assigning to persons.
okurz wrote:
Sorry, no intent to work in this in near future. You can ask before assigning to persons. states that "Maintainer: Oliver Kurz" - who is new maintainer that should be assigned then?
you can still consider me as maintainer so that I can answer questions if no one else knows about the purpose of the module but of course anyone is allowed to propose changes in all modules (collective code ownership). I hope that was not a misunderstanding. In case you want this test extension fast I suggest to look for contributors in QAM, QA SLE will be pretty occupied with SLE 12 SP3 Beta1 at least this week.
ppc64le part merged and work in o.s.d - s390x and zkvm
all changes merged , so now we can try with future SLE-INSTALLER update