action #175488
coordination #102906: [saga][epic] Increased stability of tests with less "known failures", known incompletes handled automatically within openQA
coordination #175515: [epic] incomplete jobs with "Failed to find an available port: Address already in use"
jobs incomplete with auto_review:"setup failure: isotovideo can not be started" - unable to login with ssh key on
Added by okurz 17 days ago.
Updated 17 days ago.
- Copied from action #175485: jobs incomplete with auto_review:"setup failure: isotovideo can not be started" - why did osd-deployment trigger even though openQA-in-openQA as already showing incompletes? size:S added
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to tinita
For me it works.
I copied my key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on and then was able to login via key.
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
I think the machine was reinstalled in the past months. Additionally my problem was that ssh-copy-id did not copy over the correct key. As the man-page of "ssh-copy-id" states
The default_ID_file is the most recent file that matches: ~/.ssh/id*.pub, (excluding those that match ~/.ssh/* so if you create a
key that is not the one you want ssh-copy-id to use, just use touch(1) on your preferred key's .pub file to reinstate it as the most re-
which is what I did and verified with ssh-copy-id -fn
- Parent task set to #175515
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