action #173968
opencoordination #169654: [epic] Create test scenarios for Agama
Add Agama installation for lvm scenario
Take as inspiration
here is the layout:
Home might not be proposed depending on characteristic of the system, to make the lvm more similar to sles 12/15 and interesting scenario we might need to add it.
MVP (Minimal Viable Product) of Agama (next version 11) also include LVM and we should try to cover it.
Apply to all our job group and architectures in OSD and O3.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Add Agama installation for lvm scenario
- AC2: Existing validation for lvm is adapted and added.
Updated by JERiveraMoya 3 days ago
leli wrote in #note-3:
On local VM manually get the corresponding lvm page locators, will create a page for lvm.
Please mention to David from YaST team about the different between radio button or checkbox while using existing disk or lvm, looks like a UI bug to me.
Updated by leli about 8 hours ago
PR merged, we still need merge the related PR to setup the yaml schedule.