action #173674
opencoordination #161414: [epic] Improved salt based infrastructure management
qamaster-independent backup size:S
During work on #170077 okurz found work on storage for qamaster to be error-prone due to the hardware RAID with many and old storage devices and unusual configuration with RAID6 for root device etc. Before we do more risky stuff we should ensure we have a current backup of VMs and services and for that we need to find out what's the best approach to store backups.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: We know where to store backups which are not on
- Determine required size from #173347
- Consider OpenPlatform or the host "storage" in PRG2 or currently unused QE machines
- Consider extending or a reasonable other place
- Provide a hint in #173347 how to follow up
Updated by okurz 3 months ago
- Copied from action #173347: Ensure we have a current backup of qamaster VMs, VM config, jenkins data, data from backup-vm itself, etc. size:S added
Updated by dheidler 3 months ago
- Status changed from Workable to Blocked
- Assignee set to dheidler
Waiting on to get a network with firewall rules to save this on harvester.
Updated by okurz about 1 month ago
there were recent updates. dheidler is responding with an update in the SD ticket.
Updated by tinita about 1 month ago
- Related to action #175707: OSD backups missing since 2024-11 on size:S added
Updated by livdywan 20 days ago
dheidler wrote in #note-2:
Waiting on to get a network with firewall rules to save this on harvester.
Updated by okurz 12 days ago
- Copied to action #177513: Proper "project" name in op-prg2 added
Updated by dheidler 5 days ago
Network is there but openplatform has issues with attaching (not creating - for whatever reason) a large (I tried 10TB) volume (for storing backups) to a VM.
I created
Updated by okurz 4 days ago
- Blocks action #168177: Migrate critical VM based services needing access to CC-services to CC areas added
Updated by dheidler about 4 hours ago
The openplatform people told me that the largest disks they have fit around 5TB.
I guess the images can't span multiple disks.
So our backup storage capacity would be limited.
I thought the idea of "cloud" was that I as a user don't have to deal with that kind of problems :/
We could live with around 3-4TB of storage for now but this might not be a nice and clean solution if openplatform doesn't scale up their disks.
As a workaroud we could build a software raid of multiple volume images. But that wouldn't be the cleanest thing to do.
Updated by okurz about 3 hours ago
Thomas Muntaner mentioned
Please follow for a more reliable storage.
What about that?