action #169633
closedopenQA Project (public) - coordination #154768: [saga][epic][ux] State-of-art user experience for openQA
openQA Project (public) - coordination #168127: [epic] Up-to-date Perl stack
Setup an environment to run cpan cronjobs size:S
livdywan wrote in #note-15:
- Consider OpenPlatform (Harvester) as a fallback solution if GitHub does not work out:
We looked into that last week and created virtual machines via Virtualization Management in the qe namespace to test it out. The machine could also be setup by someone else to help @tinita. This includes checking what image and resources to use and how to make the machine available to the outside and ensuring multiple people in the team have access to it.
I think at this point we need a new ticket to block on since I have the feeling people forget we need a new server here before we can continue. And moving this back to High likely won't help us.
See #163571-19
Acceptance Criteria¶
AC1: An environment is available to run cpan cronjobs
- Setup a VM on open platform (or use containers)
- Try
- We should have no problems with network access as we are only working on OBS and public CPAN resources
- Setup VM over
- Add your findings to an according wiki place for documentation, probably
Updated by livdywan 4 months ago
- Copied from action #163571: cpanspec: Move cronjob for auto updating devel:languages:perl:CPAN-{A..Z} off the obsolete engcloud size:M added
Updated by livdywan 4 months ago
- Subject changed from cpanspec: Move cronjob for auto updating devel:languages:perl:CPAN-{A..Z} off the obsolete engcloud size:M to Setup a machine to run cpan cronjobs
I'm making this Urgent as this is blocking a ticket which has been neglected way too long at this point. If anyone disagrees I might wonder if we really care about cpan 😉
Updated by openqa_review 4 months ago
- Due date set to 2024-11-26
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools
Updated by tinita 4 months ago
- Priority changed from Urgent to High Add inctructions on how to use openplatform
Updated by tinita 4 months ago Add link to OpenPlatform docs
With this this ticket can be resolved