action #169633
Updated by okurz about 1 month ago
## Motivation
> livdywan wrote in #note-15:
> > > * Consider OpenPlatform (Harvester) as a fallback solution if GitHub does not work out:
> >
> > We looked into that last week and created virtual machines via **Virtualization Management** in the **qe** namespace to test it out. The machine could also be setup by someone else to help @tinita. This includes checking what image and resources to use and how to make the machine available to the outside and ensuring multiple people in the team have access to it.
> I think at this point we need a new ticket to block on since I have the feeling people forget we need a new server here before we can continue. And moving this *back* to **High** likely won't help us.
See #163571-19
## Acceptance Criteria
**AC1:** An environment is available to run cpan cronjobs
## Suggestions
* Setup a VM on open platform (or use containers)
* Try
* We should have no problems with network access as we are only working on OBS and public CPAN resources
* Setup VM over
* Add your findings to an according wiki place for documentation, probably