action #168583
closedaction #166613: Yast default selected LSM changes from Apparmor to SELinux, existing openQA test fails in first_boot
[qe-core] test fails in yast2_snapper_ncurses - test needs to use a directory in selinux directory
Tumbleweed iso test with SELinux enabled by default, see context:
also see:
we only allow certain snapshots to be labeled snapperd_data_t, so if the test will use /test, the files are not labeled correctly
so either the test case will need to relabel /test manually or it should use a standard snapshot directory, e.g. something from that list:
openQA test in scenario opensuse-Tumbleweed-DVD-x86_64-yast2_ncurses@64bit fails in
Test suite description¶
Maintainer: qsf-y Test for yast2 UI, ncurses only. Running on created gnome images which provides both text console for ncurses UI tests as well as the gnome environment for the GUI tests.
riafarov set TIMEOUT_SCALE to improve stability of the test.
Fails since (at least) Build 20241008-SELinux (current job)
Expected result¶
Last good: 20241009 (or more recent)
Further details¶
Always latest result in this scenario: latest
Updated by szarate 5 months ago
- Tags set to bugbusters
- Subject changed from test fails in yast2_snapper_ncurses to [qe-core] test fails in yast2_snapper_ncurses - test needs to use a directory in selinux directory
- Target version set to QE-Core: Ready
- Parent task set to #166613
one point to keeping yast2_ncurses - or having same test coverage by other means.
Updated by JERiveraMoya 5 months ago · Edited
szarate wrote in #note-1:
one point to keeping yast2_ncurses - or having same test coverage by other means.
I remember we used /test instead of /root for configuration in the yast module due to it could only work that way, so the relabeling might be an option but I don't know the steps. I guess the the qcow2 should be saved somewhere, as it seems that there are not continues builds to test.
Updated by cahu 5 months ago
just a quick note: for the verification runs you can create an iso as described here:
Updated by rfan1 4 months ago
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress is merged, so I think I can move on