action #168286
coordination #117583: [containers] BCI Testing on IBM Hyper Protect Platform (HPVS)
[containers] Evaluate status of IBM cloud testing
Added by ph03nix 4 months ago.
Updated about 1 month ago.
#163190 implemented a POC for the IBM cloud testing. I need to have a look on how this works, what is now possible and what is required to advance with this topic.
- Parent task set to #117583
- Tags changed from containers to containers, ibm
- Subject changed from Evaluate status of IBM cloud testing to [containers] Evaluate status of IBM cloud testing
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
So, we need to integrate those test runs into the container-release-bot. This will be done in #175392
- Related to action #175392: [BCI] Integrate IBM HPVS into the container-release-bot added
- Related to action #163190: [IBM-HPVS] Establish workflow to run custom BCI container commands and obtain the logs added
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