tickets #165051
what points you there?
Hi Marc,
thanks for the information.
It's possible the mirror was slow to catch up, but I think it is not quite right to be redirected from to a mirror which does not hold the requested file.
Hi @andriinikitin,
something you could check?
- Assignee set to andriinikitin
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Private changed from Yes to No wrote in #note-2:
I've seen that 20240807 is available from that server now, so probably this was a temporary issue with 20240806 Gnome Live ISO.
Yeah exactly. It is kind of long standing issue that cannot guarantee 100% that redirect will be always perfect when new version is being released. So workaround is just retry later or pick another mirror.
I will close it as duplicate of , but feel free to reopen if you have additional comments or some ideas.
- Is duplicate of tickets #134702: download.o.o improve update experience added
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