action #16274
openemail notifications about new review comments available
Start date:
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user story¶
As a release manager I want to get informed about new "review comments" available not to poll the web interface when I am not in IRC
acceptance criteria¶
- A user can subscribe to an email notification (e.g. a mailing list)
- Every new comment on openQA triggers an email
- optional: Allow user to (auto-)subscribe to new comments in the same context when adding a comment
- amqp-email bridge
further notes¶
This requirement was raised by fcrozat. #10672 already solves "notifications" in general by IRC. This user story is about email.
Updated by okurz about 8 years ago
- Copied from action #10672: notifications about new review comments available added
Updated by okurz almost 3 years ago
- Related to action #91605: notifications about failed and unreviewed jobs - but using Slack (was: Rocket.Chat) size:M added