action #162683
closedcoordination #157969: [epic] Upgrade all our infrastructure, e.g. o3+osd workers+webui and production workloads, to openSUSE Leap 15.6
s390x libvirt started kvm machines on Leap 15.6 fail with "unsupported configuration: machine type 's390-ccw-virtio-8.2' does not support ACPI" size:M
After upgrading s390zl12+13 to Leap 15.6 I observed all openQA tests running on those hosts failed, e.g.
when trying to define the virtual machines. on s390zl13 I saw
May 08 22:43:40 s390zl13 virtqemud[22259]: unsupported configuration: machine type 's390-ccw-virtio-8.2' does not support ACPI
Probably due to where os-autoinst adds such element to the VM config but likely there is no ACPI support on s390x VMs anymore now causing that problem. We need to ensure that an upgraded Leap 15.6, maybe reproducible on Tumbleweed, and os-autoinst supports the according upgrade of libvirt or qemu or whatever caused the problem
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: s390x openQA tests run succesfully on a fully upgraded Leap 15.6
- Possibly update os-autoinst to not add "acpi" and potentially other problematic entries for s390, maybe also depending on version?
- Upstream research how to properly handle
- Ensure s390x libvirt qemu tests work properly
Updated by okurz 9 months ago
- Copied from action #160095: Upgraded Leap 15.6 workers able to run s390x tests after #162683 size:M added
Updated by okurz 8 months ago
- Related to action #157972: Upgrade o3 workers to openSUSE Leap 15.6 size:S added
Updated by okurz 8 months ago
- Related to action #163469: Upgrade a single o3 worker to openSUSE Leap 15.6 added
Updated by mkittler 6 months ago · Edited
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
This os-autoinst change will most likely do it:
Note that a more recent production job is e.g. (from scenario) and it so far configures acpi:
Updated by mkittler 6 months ago
I tried to verify this locally by putting the config from
in a local worker slot and then running However, I couldn't reproduce the issue. The host that would have been
is in my setup just localhost
in that setup - running Tumbleweed and not Leap 15.6. Maybe the libvirtd version under Tumbleweed behaves differently than the one on Leap 15.6.
I also had to disable the following code from
# serial console used for the serial log
pty_dev_type => 'pty',
target_type => 'sclp',
Otherwise it would complain about it:
[2024-08-26T17:07:29.239216+02:00] [debug] [pid:139006] [run_ssh_cmd(virsh define /var/lib/libvirt/images/openQA-SUT-11.xml)] stderr:
error: Failed to define domain from /var/lib/libvirt/images/openQA-SUT-11.xml
error: Nicht unterstützte Konfiguration: sclpconsole is not supported in this QEMU binary
So I'm not sure how to test this properly.
Maybe we'll just have to update
when there's a good time.
Updated by mkittler 6 months ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Probably my tests were not useful because libvirtd wasn't running on s390x in my case. Unlike with the other svirt tests the arch is really relevant here. I guess I'll just leave it at this as I have at least extended the unit tests. Considering the upstream changes I'm also confident that this really only affects ACPI and not one of the other features as well.