action #162521
opencoordination #162524: [epic] Optimized o3 infrastructure
Reconsider the global job limit on o3, try higher than 170
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In #151807-10 the global job limit on o3 was set to 170. The previous limit wasn't mentioned so I don't know what it was but I assume much higher. 170 is rather low considering also that we have so many worker instance availble. #151807 saw multiple changes so I assume we can actually use a much higher job limit again.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: The global job limit on o3 is significantly higher than 170 or blocking improvement tasks are planned
- Understand why the original selection of 170 jobs was done
- Carefully increase the job limit and monitor over at least 10 days
- Try to find a hard upper limit and select a job limit below that with a sane buffer