



tickets #162182


Issues in downloading ISO images for Leap 15.6

Added by 18 days ago. Updated 15 days ago.

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I originally posted these in a mailing list; Knurpht reminded me that
they should be reported to you. This is as of 2300 UTC 12 June.

  1. The link in the banner at top of the main page, still redirects to the Portal for 15.5.

  2. There is no clear and easy way to get from the Portal to get.o.o,
    where the actual downloads are done. I can only find one way to do this:
    (1) from the version portal, scroll down to Documentation and click on
    (2)scroll down to Download the latest release and click on the leap
    distro. Note that this still reads "15.4", but it does at least redirect
    properly to

On the 15.6 portal page, there should be a very prominent link to the
actual page on get.o.o.

  1. When downloading torrent files (both DVD and NET, for all
    architectures), the metadata says that the download is for the ISO image
    itself, not the torrent file. It is clear from the download size that
    the file is not the ISO image itself, but this will be confusing to many.

  2. I have only grabbed the torrents for x86, so I don't know if this is
    a problem for any of the other architectures.
    As of now, the torrent for the NET image is not registered with the tracker.

Actions #1

Updated by crameleon 15 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Private changed from Yes to No


  1. It redirects to 15.6.
  2. Most wiki pages can be edited by anyone, feel free to submit changes - some pages like the portal one are protected, you can let us know if you have any concrete suggestions. Not sure where get.o.o would fit in myself, the portal is just an overview of software associated with the openSUSE project, and I think rather the software specific pages should have information on where to acquire the software they cover.
  3. Which metadata?


Actions #2

Updated by 15 days ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I know you guys must be very busy after the
release, so it is appreciated.

On 2024-06-15 05:44, crameleon wrote:

[openSUSE Tracker]
Issue #162182 has been updated by crameleon.

Status changed from New to Feedback
Private changed from Yes to No


  1. It redirects to 15.6.
    It does now, but at the time I wrote my email (2300 UTC 12 Jun) and for
    a day or so thereafter, it still redirected to 15.5

  2. Most wiki pages can be edited by anyone, feel free to submit changes - some pages like the portal one are protected, you can let us know if you have any concrete suggestions. Not sure where get.o.o would fit in myself, the portal is just an overview of software associated with the openSUSE project, and I think rather the software specific pages should have information on where to acquire the software they cover.
    I'm also not sure where a link to get.o.o would fit in, but it would
    make sense if one existed somewhere that was easy to find. The portal
    just seems to me to be the most logical place; there is not really any
    reason for it to be only an overview of the software, is there?

  3. Which metadata?
    Whatever gets sent out by the website when a download is initiated. That
    surely must include the file name and type, in this instance BT torrent
    When I initiate download of a .torrent file, here is the popup I see:

But in fact, the file which will be sent is the real .torrent file,
whose file type (in Firefox, at least) is Bittorrent seed file.
Note: the popup shows the file will be opened with the biglybt BT
client. That is not the default setting; I made that choice when I
downloaded the file, and have not yet set it back to system default.


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