action #159321
openHandle Leap without chromium
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There is a request to drop chromium from Leap due to maintenance+security issues
Generated from
chromedriver provides chromedriver required by openQA-devel
Error: missing alternative provides for chromedriver
chromium is still a build requirement of:
- openQA:openQA-devel-test
so I discussed with lkocman that we can probably accept such situation but should handle it properly to ensure that we still have good test coverage on Leap and have packages for running openQA on Leap even if not a full development environment out of the box.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: OBS checks for all enabled packages on Leap are still consistently passing
- AC2: still have good test coverage on Leap and have packages for running openQA on Leap
- Follow the story about chromium on Leap
- Look into our package definition "no-selenium-devel". Maybe we can use that?
- Consider alternatives for UI tests
- Ensure that OBS checks for all enabled packages on Leap are still consistently passing
- Ensure that we still have good test coverage on Leap and have packages for running openQA on Leap