



action #159084


[qem][core][sle15sp6], ISO image is missed in OSD since still in BETA phase

Added by rfan1 11 months ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Bugs in existing tests
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
QE-Core: May Sprint 24 (May 07 - Jun 04)



There is no passed job for sle15sp6 MU.

Reason: asset failure: Failed to download SLE-15-SP6-Full-s390x-GM-Media1.iso to /var/lib/openqa/cache/


SLES15SP6 is still in Beta phase, so no GM iso image available

Action items

  1. Add BETA=1 in medium types
  2. Copy a dedicate ISO image to OSD [RC1?] and update in medium types as well
  3. Should we move it to dev job groups for now? @szarate
Actions #1

Updated by dzedro 11 months ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to dzedro
Actions #2

Updated by dzedro 10 months ago

15-SP6 is still beta
Right now there are no updates, but at some point 15-SP6 will not have the BETA pop-up
I also update iso and repo links to GM

lrwxrwxrwx 1 geekotest nogroup          44 May  8 10:49 SLE-15-SP6-Full-aarch64-GM-Media1.iso -> SLE-15-SP6-Full-aarch64-Build83.1-Media1.iso
lrwxrwxrwx 1 geekotest nogroup          44 May  8 10:49 SLE-15-SP6-Full-ppc64le-GM-Media1.iso -> SLE-15-SP6-Full-ppc64le-Build83.1-Media1.iso
lrwxrwxrwx 1 geekotest nogroup          42 May  8 10:49 SLE-15-SP6-Full-s390x-GM-Media1.iso -> SLE-15-SP6-Full-s390x-Build83.1-Media1.iso
lrwxrwxrwx 1 geekotest nogroup          43 May  8 10:50 SLE-15-SP6-Full-x86_64-GM-Media1.iso -> SLE-15-SP6-Full-x86_64-Build83.1-Media1.iso
Actions #3

Updated by rfan1 10 months ago

Based on

Removed BETA=1 From medium types and added the new link to the latest iso image files.

 ll |grep SLE-15-SP6 |grep GM
lrwxrwxrwx 1 geekotest nogroup          44 May  9 09:41 SLE-15-SP6-Full-aarch64-GM-Media1.iso -> SLE-15-SP6-Full-aarch64-Build88.1-Media1.iso
lrwxrwxrwx 1 geekotest nogroup          44 May  9 09:41 SLE-15-SP6-Full-ppc64le-GM-Media1.iso -> SLE-15-SP6-Full-ppc64le-Build88.1-Media1.iso
lrwxrwxrwx 1 geekotest nogroup          42 May  9 09:41 SLE-15-SP6-Full-s390x-GM-Media1.iso -> SLE-15-SP6-Full-s390x-Build88.1-Media1.iso
lrwxrwxrwx 1 geekotest nogroup          43 May  9 09:41 SLE-15-SP6-Full-x86_64-GM-Media1.iso -> SLE-15-SP6-Full-x86_64-Build88.1-Media1.iso

Actions #4

Updated by szarate 10 months ago

  • Sprint changed from QE-Core: April Sprint 24 (Apr 10 - May 08) to QE-Core: May Sprint 25 (May 07 - Jun 04)
Actions #5

Updated by dzedro 9 months ago

Should be done soon. Email from Sergio

This is mostly informative.

With SLE_15-SP6 in GMC state we are really close to start maintenance on this project, but exactly when?

Before you ask, we already have updates like this:

The catch is, we are already shipping updates for SLE15-SP6 products if the update does not target the new codestream, you can see the above example is going to codestream
What we cannot currently do is release updates that target the new codestream (SUSE:SLE-15-SP6:Update), this happens because 15-SP6-GA is not locked and set into maintenance mode yet.

So back to the question, when will 15-SP6-GA be locked allowing is to ship updates that target the new codestram SUSE:SLE-15-SP6:Update, like this one:

I asked Radoslav Tsvetkov and got:
Until Wednesday afternoon, I wait for IBM and its partners. I'll send a mail
to autobuild earliest Thursday (Christihimmelfahrt). So you could count with Friday

(the above is true if all partners are happy)

I believe some of these updates need to be on the of the queue to be available on FCS, so if you own on of those you probably need to crank up its prio on SMELT (BAU)

Actions #6

Updated by rfan1 9 months ago

GM iso iamges and repos are ready:

/var/lib/openqa/factory/iso/fixed> ll |grep 15-SP6-Full.*GM.*
-rw-r--r--  1 geekotest nogroup 11080177664 May 31 04:43 SLE-15-SP6-Full-aarch64-GM-Media1.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 geekotest nogroup 10201071616 May 31 04:45 SLE-15-SP6-Full-ppc64le-GM-Media1.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 geekotest nogroup 10030678016 May 31 04:47 SLE-15-SP6-Full-s390x-GM-Media1.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 geekotest nogroup 14561574912 May 31 04:52 SLE-15-SP6-Full-x86_64-GM-Media1.iso

/var/lib/openqa/factory/repo> ll |grep SLE-15-SP6-Full-.*GM-Media1
lrwxrwxrwx  1 geekotest nogroup        39 May 31 05:11 SLE-15-SP6-Full-ppc64le-GM-Media1 -> fixed/SLE-15-SP6-Full-ppc64le-GM-Media1
lrwxrwxrwx  1 geekotest nogroup        37 May 31 05:11 SLE-15-SP6-Full-s390x-GM-Media1 -> fixed/SLE-15-SP6-Full-s390x-GM-Media1

Actions #7

Updated by szarate 9 months ago

Asset syncing needed, we already have GM

Actions #8

Updated by dzedro 9 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

GM imeges are in fixed dir.

Actions #9

Updated by szarate 8 months ago

  • Tags changed from bugbusters to bugbusters, platform-team

Santiago to link the ticket with the CI to copy assets to the fixed directory


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