action #157729
closedcoordination #151816: [epic] Handle openQA fixes and job group setup
Implement packages' vendor change in yast2 migration jobs
We already implemented packages' vendor change in [offline migration cases] by adding setting of VENDOR_CHG_DEPS=1, still need to implement it for yast2 migration cases.
Here is the test result of yast2 migration case:
I also set the VENDOR_CHG_DEPS=1 in the job, but it doesn't work because different with offline cases, here need to send key "down" to get "Packages" selected.
Testsuite name is online_sled15sp5_rmt_basesys-desktop-we-phub-python3_def_full_y and it is in milestone job groups.
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1 : Add setting of VENDOR_CHG_DEPS=1 and report results
AC2 : If existing mechanism doesn't work, purpose solutions.
Updated by leli 11 months ago · Edited
It seems not the reason for not implement of vender change, but failed to deal with vendor change for a strange condition:
if (check_screen('manual-intervention', 0)) {
# In function deal_with_dependency_issues we handle different actions by VIDEOMODE,
# here we need change VIDEOMODE to something not text.
my $orig_videomode = get_var('VIDEOMODE', '');
set_var("VIDEOMODE", 'ssh-x');
set_var("VIDEOMODE", $orig_videomode);
Why need check_screen('manual-intervention', 0) to deal with vendor change? for my understanding the condition should change to check_screen('manual-intervention') then will continue to deal_with_dependency_issues. Need investigate more for the code history.
Updated by openqa_review 10 months ago
This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:
This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: migr_sles15sp4_desktop_all
To prevent further reminder comments one of the following options should be followed:
- The test scenario is fixed by applying the bug fix to the tested product or the test is adjusted
- The openQA job group is moved to "Released" or "EOL" (End-of-Life)
- The bugref in the openQA scenario is removed or replaced, e.g.
Expect the next reminder at the earliest in 28 days if nothing changes in this ticket.
Updated by JERiveraMoya 10 months ago
- Tags set to qe-yam-apr-sprint
- Subject changed from To implement packages' vendor change in yast2 migration jobs to Implement packages' vendor change in yast2 migration jobs
- Status changed from New to Workable
- Parent task set to #151816
Updated by JERiveraMoya 10 months ago
- Tags changed from qe-yam-apr-sprint to qe-yam-may-sprint
Updated by JERiveraMoya 10 months ago
@zoecao is this still happening? could you please add latest result? I'm not sure if it is workable or not now...
Updated by tinawang123 9 months ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to tinawang123
Updated by tinawang123 9 months ago
At 'deal_with_dependency_issues' function, it used 'tab' key to choose the expected menu:
send_key_until_needlematch 'packages-section-selected', 'tab';
But at our job:
It need use 'tab' key to choose the 'migration summary' part. then use 'down' key to choose the expected needle: 'packages-section-selected'
Updated by tinawang123 9 months ago
I checked by manual testing.
The existing mechanism doesn't work.
For yast2 migration, we need choose 'Change' part, then choose 'Package', then we can get the screen:
At this page, we can choose to install the package from vendor openSUSE.
Updated by tinawang123 9 months ago · Edited
Updated by tinawang123 9 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved