



action #156319


coordination #130075: [epic] Milestone testing for SLE 15 SP6

SLE15 SP6 PublicBeta - YaST manual testing

Added by JERiveraMoya 10 months ago. Updated 9 months ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



See parent ticket.


Corresponding milestone build needs to be tested.

Acceptance criteria

AC1: Conduct manual exploratory testing of YaST using corresponding build. Scope is Installer and YaST modules on the installed system.
AC2: Report found issues to Bugzilla with the detailed steps to reproduce and reference it here.
AC3: Briefly describe the covered scenarios in this ticket.

Additional information

The kind of testing for this task is Exploratory testing but in case you need inspiration, you can take a look to this spreadsheet, but this activity is time-constrained so just take it as a reference, no need for following it strictly.
As an agreement we don't test all the architecture/backend for each milestone, so we will be rotating the architecture/backend for each milestone, please consider to pick one different for each build. The architecture considered and the instructions for having running the vm in each one of them is in our Manual Testing guide.

Actions #1

Updated by syrianidou_sofia 10 months ago

  • Status changed from Workable to In Progress
  • Assignee set to syrianidou_sofia
Actions #2

Updated by syrianidou_sofia 9 months ago · Edited

Online medium -> Installation with encrypted disk, separate home, test cases from not yet automated scenarios on installer, yast modules, snapper

ppc64le on "petrol" hypervisor
Online medium -> Installation with encrypted disk, separate home, skip user, test cases from not yet automated scenarios on installer, yast modules, snapper.
Full medium -> Installation with guided partitioning using default values works but if swap memory enlargement is enabled and separate home partition selected, guided partitioning can't make a proposal for hard disk of size 20Gib. For 30Gib it works. There is an open ticket for this already:

Conflict spotted for packages advance-toolchain-at16.0-16.0-4.ppc64le and product:ibm-power-advance-toolchain-16.0-1.ppc64le (Question imposed on slack and waiting for some intel)
Bug report filled for yast media check issue:

Actions #3

Updated by syrianidou_sofia 9 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Actions #4

Updated by syrianidou_sofia 9 months ago · Edited

Opened a bug for ppc toolchain package:

Actions #5

Updated by JERiveraMoya 9 months ago

syrianidou_sofia wrote in #note-4:

Opened a bug for ppc toolchain package:

thx, added to the report.


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