action #154036
opencoordination #102915: [saga][epic] Automated classification of failures
QA (public) - coordination #94105: [epic] Use feedback from openqa-investigate to automatically inform on github pull requests, open tickets, weed out automatically failed tests
Allow to search for comments or tests by comment in the UI "search" bar
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
With openqa-investigate becoming more important the comments in jobs are more important and we should cover a search to find jobs by comment. Also an integration in UI can make such a feature more visible and convenient. As we already have a search field looking for multiple different things we can extend that to search for comments (or jobs by comment) as well.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Search results can show job comments as well
- See what had been done in #151402 to search for jobs by comments
- Extend the existing search to look for (job) comments as well
- Optional: Allow to only search for comments, e.g. with the keyword "comment:" in the search field
- Find out performance impact on the actual searching
- Find out the impact on displaying the results to the webUI user, e.g. will it always be way too many jobs
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
- Copied from action #151402: [spike solution][timeboxed:20h] Allow to search for tests by comment on the UI size:M added