action #151249
openCover changed code in PRs on with openQA test runs
Start date:
Due date:
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Estimated time:
- Make it easier to come up with test scenarios for verification runs
- Make it harder to miss verification runs of test scenarios that are important for the changed code
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: After creating or updating a PR one receives feedback in form of one or more openQA test results, e.g. in form of a failed check in GitHub's UI.
- AC2: The openQA tests mentioned in AC1 execute the changed code so as much of the changed code as possible is run.
- AC3: The openQA tests mentioned in AC1 generally pass. In case of a failure the likeliness that the failure relates to the changes must be very high and a passing run (without the changes from the PR) must be available for comparison.
- AC4: Not too many openQA jobs are triggered, e.g. changing code in a utility module that is used everywhere does not trigger all conceivable test scenarios. Redundant test runs are avoided.
Further remarks¶
- openQA has support for running test jobs as CI checks, see but the crux here is to decide which test scenarios to run considering the diff of the PR.
- Supplying the required assets will be challenging as well. This already meant not using the webhook-based approach in os-autoinst-distri-openQA and using just
openqa-cli schedule --monitor …
to be able to scrape o3 for assets before the actual scheduling ( - Considering OSD-specific test scenarios will very likely be wanted. This is certainly not a must have (especially from the beginning) but we should definitely take it into account.
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Related to action #150992: [timeboxed][spike solution:20h] openQA tests in pull requests to size:M added
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Target version set to future