



tickets #139058


Help making boo#793185 public

Added by krop 11 months ago. Updated 11 months ago.

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I'm adding a ticket on progress after trying all solutions I could think of.


While preparing the KDE packages for the next major update, I found traces of this >10 years old bug report in one of our spec [1].

If my guess is correct, it was submitted by one member of what was the legal team back then and is about dubious license term that made some carddeck images unredistributable.
Looking at the changelog, the report may have been assigned to Ismail.
I'm now trying to get the issue fixed upstream, but they asked to have access to the bug report.

What I tried so far:

  • asked Dirk if he has access to the report. He was one of the KDE maintainer back then and the last one still working at SUSE I think. He also can't open the report
  • emailed on oct. 9. Never got a reply.

[1] lines 31 & 135

Actions #1

Updated by crameleon 11 months ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #2

Updated by pjessen 11 months ago

ISTR a procedure for the public to get access to restricted bug reports, or at least to any non-confidential parts. Some specific point of contact?

Actions #3

Updated by cboltz 11 months ago

pjessen wrote in #note-2:

ISTR a procedure for the public to get access to restricted bug reports, or at least to any non-confidential parts. Some specific point of contact?

Do you mean It's worth a try, but I wouldn't expect too much. (My own experience was quite disappointing. Actually I gave up asking some years ago, and now reverse engineer things from public information like changelogs and package history. Not nice, I know, but it gives me more useful information and often is even faster.)

Call me evil, but the easiest way to get an explanation is probably to drop things you don't understand from the spec (changelog entry "drop strange patch for svg-konqi-modern carddeck") and then wait for the factory review ;-)

Actions #4

Updated by crameleon 11 months ago

I inquired about this internally, some people were very helpful and looked into it, but it's indeed a legal bug and we need to see if we can find someone involved with the request or from the legal team to check. No guarantees, but I will update if I hear back.

Actions #5

Updated by pjessen 11 months ago

cboltz wrote in #note-3:

pjessen wrote in #note-2:

ISTR a procedure for the public to get access to restricted bug reports, or at least to any non-confidential parts. Some specific point of contact?

Do you mean It's worth a try, but I wouldn't expect too much.

Yes, that's the one. I have never had the need myself.

Call me evil, but the easiest way to get an explanation is probably to drop things you don't understand from the spec (changelog entry "drop strange patch for svg-konqi-modern carddeck") and then wait for the factory review ;-)

You're evil 😈 (but I like the approach).


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