action #13762
open[perl,python,ruby,web] betatest application
The current test plan spreadsheet does not scale:
Write a small web application that allows to track beta testing efforts
[specification TBD]
Next: talk to Marita, Oliver and Vincent (SLE betatest) for more requirements
Updated by okurz over 8 years ago
why does it not scale, because the columns are limited? What about a wiki page where we can embed also the status from openQA tests - a bit like Fedora does. However, I think for unstructured, concurrent collaboration the google doc spreadsheet is probably better than a wiki page where we would collect beta testers experiences. etherpad gives even less structure and might therefore be more flexible.
Updated by lnussel about 8 years ago
Ideas are needed, yes :-) Even more so with 42.3 rolling development model.
Updated by szarate about 5 years ago
There's I know the developers, and should be fairly easy to get a setup, maybe it's the time to look at it?
Updated by szarate about 5 years ago
@Ludwig, by tracking beta testing efforts, you mean testing? (Who's doing what) Can you shed more light? :)
Updated by lnussel about 5 years ago
Exactly. Tracking who is doing what on which build. Something more fancy than the spreadsheet. Kiwitcms got my attention on FOSDEM. Indeed it might be worth looking into. Hackweek project anyone? :)