action #137243
opencoordination #70840: [epic] further features for the "search" feature
Allow "search" feature to include or exclude types of results like code or job groups
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Searching for something like podman via the openQA search feature easily leads to thousands of results. One might already have an idea the type of results to look for but there's no trivial way to for example exclude matches from source code.
This came up in the QE Tools Workshop today (September 29th 2023) as a suggestion that could make search useful to those who can't feasibly wade through irrelevant results.
Acceptance Criteria¶
- AC1: /search can produce results related to code only
- AC2: /search can produce results without matching code
- Extend lib/OpenQA/WebAPI/Controller/API/V1/ by adding a new URL parameter for a type of result
- Consider some way of allowing for a prefix or special keyword
- Add a button or tab to allow hiding or showing certain types of results
- Try out what the easiest solution might be so it's also easy to discover
- This might also be a fun Hackweek task?