action #135575
closedcoordination #130216: [epic] Adapt migration test coverage and its migration matrix for SLE 15 SP6
Cleanup migration test from SLE12-SP5
After all tickets on optimizing migration from SLE12-SP5 in #130216 are resolved, we need to perform a final cleanup for those tests doing a migration from SLE 12 SP5.
Iterate over all SLE 12 SP5 related testsuites in the jobgroups mentioned under "Scope" and check if you can find a matching entry for that testsutie in the spreadsheet named draft_redesign_matrix"
in the test matrix document.
If you can't match the test suite with an entry for SLE12 SP5 in the draft_redesign_matrix
- verify whether if something is wrong for test suite name and setting and then update it
- verify if it is an unexpected old test suite then remove it
For testsuite that match the draft_redesign_matrix
check if the testsuite is consistent.
Example for unexpected base test:
- offline_sles12sp5_pscc_def:
testsuite: offline_sles12sp5_pscc_sdk_full
In this example the testsuite offline_sles12sp5_pscc_def
uses a stored testsuite (from openQA admin menu) named offline_sles12sp5_pscc_sdk_full
that uses the sdk
addon which is not required for offline_sles12sp5_pscc_def
If such a consistency issue is found then
- copy the needed testsuite settings form the openQA admin page to the job group YAML file.
- use
testsuite: null
instead of the wrongtestsuite
- Migration daily job group: (
- Migration milestone job group: (
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Cleanup for migration from SLE12-SP5 is done, all found issues fixed.