action #135047
closedretro feedback: This week was very exhausting - too much infra work
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Added by livdywan about 1 year ago. Updated 12 months ago.
As discussed we saw a problem in multiple interruptions in particular in the infra domain
I will do two things:
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools
okurz wrote in #note-2:
As discussed we saw a problem in multiple interruptions in particular in the infra domain
I will do two things:
- Escalate the situation that we are still lacking infra admin ressources in the team, e.g. in the PO on the bench presentation. Ideas: Squad rotation for the next weeks, etc.
Updated for . Will follow-up with this after the presentation.
- Reduce the amount of tickets per priority to reflect the realistic situation. If we have 4 urgent tickets in infra then this is just something we can't effectively work on keeping to our SLOs
Already doing so.
Had the "PO on the bench" presentation. Regarding infra admin ressources we should make some noise and invite more for short-term squad rotation to help infra work.
EDIT: 2023-09-13: I also discussed this topic with runger. He will encourage squad rotation into tools team and try to provide according infra-related job positions.