action #133955
closedcoordination #123583: [epic] Agama auto-installation
Synchronize Agama staging project with O3 using OBS Sync plugin due to new build strategy
We got the new build stragegy for Agama flavors in comments. So we need to re-sync Agama flavors from IBS to openQA due the new build strategy.
We won't have the default-playwright any more, we will have flavors of 'ALP' 'ALP-Playwright' 'openSUSE' 'openSUSE-Playwright'.
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Re-sync Agama flavors from IBS to openQA due to new build strategy.
AC2: Update the flavors in agama development job group.
Additional information¶
To see how it was done for SUSE ALP Micro, please see #129796
The agama staging images: