action #129358
[qe-core][leap15.4 update]test fails in yast2_lan, 'yast2 lan' command hang if btrfs qgroup rescan is already in progress
Added by rfan1 almost 2 years ago.
Updated 7 months ago.
Bugs in existing tests
More discussion can be found at:
And for now, I can found some clue on test module:
my $systemd_tasks_cmd = 'echo "Triggering systemd timed service $i"';
$systemd_tasks_cmd .= ' && systemctl stop $i.timer && systemctl mask $i.timer' unless get_var('SOFTFAIL_BSC1063638');
$systemd_tasks_cmd .= ' && systemctl start $i';
'for i in $(systemctl list-units --type=timer --state=active --no-legend | sed -e \'s/\(\S\+\)\.timer\s.*/\1/\'); do ' . $systemd_tasks_cmd . '; done', 1000);
record_soft_failure 'bsc#1063638 - review I/O scheduling parameters of btrfsmaintenance' if (time - $before) > 60 && get_var('SOFTFAIL_BSC1063638');
# Disable cron jobs on older SLE12 by symlinking them to /bin/true
if (!get_var('SOFTFAIL_BSC1063638') && script_run("! [ -d /usr/share/btrfsmaintenance/ ]")) {
assert_script_run('find /usr/share/btrfsmaintenance/ -type f -exec ln -fs /bin/true {} \;', timeout => 300);
These test codes will try to do btrfs qgroup rescan, and then 'yast2 lan' command hang.
- Related to action #129289: [qe-core][leap15.4 update]test fails in force_scheduled_tasks added
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Start date deleted (
- Status changed from Feedback to Blocked
The workaround seems can't fix the performance issue. after applying the workaround. we can still hit hang issue at yast2_i
and other tests. so mark it as blocked.
This ticket was set to Normal priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.
- Status changed from Blocked to Resolved
The issue is tracked via bug
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