action #127736
closed[qe-core][functonal]test fail in zypper_in [sporadic issue]
openQA test in scenario sle-15-SP5-Full-aarch64-Build93.1-minimal+proxy_SCC-postreg_SUSEconnect@aarch64 fails in
Testsuite maintained at Maintainers: riafarov. Register modules after a system is installed using SUSEconnect.
Fails since (at least) Build 93.1 (current job)
Expected result¶
Last good: 90.1 (or more recent)
Further details¶
Always latest result in this scenario: latest
Updated by mgrifalconi almost 2 years ago
I see in the job history that it happened only twice, doing some investigation to see how often it may happen using
Updated by mgrifalconi almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by mgrifalconi almost 2 years ago
Tried out long timeout but still sporadically happens. I would rather use a retry in the test (script_retry does not work since it does not retry on timeout events ) or retry the entire test which is simpler.
Updated by mgrifalconi almost 2 years ago
If no one is against it, I would like to find a good place to set RETRY=1 for all functional tests, to also be somewhat consistent with maintenance test (where RETRY 1-3 are set)
Updated by mgrifalconi almost 2 years ago
RETRY=1 set on medium type SLE 15-SP5 Full (all arch)
Updated by mgrifalconi almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
retry set and working