communication #127361
- Private changed from Yes to No
- Status changed from New to Closed
2023-05-04 heroes meeting
Heroes meeting at oSC
- saturday evening (while enjoying the BBQ)
release notes:
- get extracted and deployed from RPMs with a script
- TODO: automate config file with currently to deploy release notes - basically a symlink to a checkout of doc-o.o
- Lubos will do this to get started with salt :-)
documentation (doc.o.o except release notes):
- hosted on community.i.o.o for historical reasons (built on a developer's machine, deployed via rsync)
- moving to another host and another deployment method (rpm?) is welcome
Related tickets and
The goal is to simplify life of our documentation team. Ideally they would no longer need to login to pinot-i-o-o to setup RN for a new release. Deployment of doc-o-o, which is still hosted on community-i-o-o, would be done by rpm.
one IP did 36% of the requests on download.o.o today, firewalled now
datacenter move to Prague:
- so far, some rough ideas, but no final plan for the move yet
- move for openSUSE infrastructure is planned for June
- fully salted machines (like static.o.o) might just be rebuilt in Prague
- historically grown machines or harder to setup machines might be moved as VM
- some special cases like haproxy might be rebuilt from scratch to get a clean(er) setup
- heroes will get low-level access to the bare metal servers running our VMs
- hardware: 4 machines, 3 with 1TB RAM, 64 cores, 10GBit/s net, FC-NetApp storage (managed by SUSE)
- heroes meeting was raided by community meeting
- currently served by mirrorcache, but this dependency makes it somewhat useless
- users should be able to reach this page in case mirrorcache is down, to find a mirror nearby
- let's serve a static copy of what mirrorcache provides (via wget, with a cronjob)
- use on static.o.o via salt ; wget+push to git via deploy-key
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