action #12670
closed[functional][u] Call more external tools in openQA context (e.g. susetest, avocado, …)
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There are many external test suites. It would be great if can make use of them, especially if there are upstream test suites which we want to call in a system context.
- - which could help with some multi-machine network tests
Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Call more external tools in openQA context (e.g. susetest, avocado, …) to [functional]Call more external tools in openQA context (e.g. susetest, avocado, …)
Updated by okurz over 6 years ago
- Subject changed from [functional]Call more external tools in openQA context (e.g. susetest, avocado, …) to [functional][u] Call more external tools in openQA context (e.g. susetest, avocado, …)
Updated by szarate almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
There were no changes in the ticket for quite some time, while the proposal is valid, this could be addressed in other tickets that better describe what is the intent. Rejecting. @okurz if you decide to reopen, please remove the U and asign it to yourself.