tickets #126557
closedmirrorcache - for Spain, it finds no countries on the same continent
No mirrors in countries on the same continent despite the world listing containing plenty European mirrors??
Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago
- Category set to Mirrors
- Assignee set to andriinikitin
- Private changed from Yes to No
Updated by javierllorente almost 2 years ago
pjessen wrote:
No mirrors in countries on the same continent despite the world listing containing plenty European mirrors??
Spanish user here.
If I remove "COUNTRY=ES", I get all the European mirrors.
Updated by javierllorente almost 2 years ago
javierllorente wrote:
Spanish user here.
If I remove "COUNTRY=ES", I get all the European mirrors.
Appending "REGION=EU" after "COUNTRY=ES" as suggested by Elisei Roca (@mirror ml), makes it work.
Updated by andriinikitin almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I didn't implement proper country lookup for COUNTRY parameter yet - just added some basic support for those countries in which a mirror exists:
But requests from some real Spain IP should find countries in Europe (because it uses GeoIP database), e.g.
So we need either just extend that list with Spain and all the countries or find some better solution
(MirrorBrain did store countries in DB iirc, maybe MirrorCache should do the same and fill those structures from the DB at startup. Or fetch country - region map from the GeoIP database somehow. Or maybe there is simple perl lib with that mapping).
But I am not sure about priority since workaround with IP should work
Updated by javierllorente almost 2 years ago
andriinikitin wrote:
I didn't implement proper country lookup for COUNTRY parameter yet - just added some basic support for those countries in which a mirror exists:
AFAIK, Portugal has no mirror but it's in the list of countries with mirror(s).