communication #122755
- Private changed from Yes to No
- Status changed from New to Closed
2023-02-02 heroes meeting
status reports:
- Bernhard
- changed downloadcontent-br, -us1 and 2 from varnish to nginx to test if it fixes trouble with partial downloads in zypper
- fixed wireguard config on scar to reach provo-gate again
- renewed openvpn crt for ipx-ns1 aka qsc_ns4
- Christian
- installed updates on lots of VMs (uncovered a config problem on ipx-galera1 which prevented start of galera on boot)
- fixed expiration time handling on paste.o.o
- some TSP fixes and updates
done during the meeting:
- gcc-stats.i.o.o had outdated tumbleweed, updated - and installed os-update so that it self-updates
- fix sorting of lists in tsp
- fixed routing for provo-gate
- linkpac'd rebuild-me into openSUSE:infrastructure:jekyll
- fix hardened ACME responder package (install AA profile instead of nonsense file)
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