action #121033
closed[WSL] Unattended Windows install
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The current installation of windows for testing WSL is unstable. But there is a new approach with automation.
Acceptance Criteria¶
- AC 1: Study the resources available to understand the procedure.
- AC 2: Create a test to probe that this could be possible
The installation of Windows OS can be unattended by adding an XML file called Autounattend.xml
in the root folder of the ISO image. That XML is different from UEFI to BIOS boot (attached example files), and can be generated in this website. More info provided by Microsoft can be found here.
By now, I've managed to create the ISO and run the install, these are the steps I have taken so far to get to that point:
- Download latest Windows ISO (Win10 or Win11)
- Extract the ISO to a local folder
- Copy the
file into the root folder - Wrap the ISO again running this command inside the extracted folder
mkisofs -iso-level 4 -udf -R -D -U -b boot/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 8 -boot-load-seg 1984 -eltorito-alt-boot -b efi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin -no-emul-boot -o <OUTPUT_ISO> .
Problems found so far¶
- An error in the XML file related to disks (see image attached) is raised when installing
- There's need to choose the version to install (Windows XX Pro, Home, ...)
- In Win11, to install into a VM, there's need to modify some registry key values, as it's done in this part of the current installation. For this version, the Autounnatend.xml should be called from this console with the command
setup /unattend:<PATH_TO_FILE>