action #119587
closedtest fails in accept_license: s390x-zVM-vswitch need add install_SLES module for using libyui
As follow-up of #115319 we didn't notice that for s390x zVM the same problem occurred because jobs didn't run on that time due to parent dependency.
These are the new failures found:
We don't want to target only those failures in this ticket but start to craft a default file for the whole arch/backend.
This is the list of jobs:
This is the list of test suites in case the link would get outdated:
- select_modules_and_patterns+registration@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l2
- select_modules_and_patterns+registration@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
- autoyast_zvm_sles_product_reg@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l2
- guided_btrfs@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l2
- guided_btrfs@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
- guided_ext4@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
- guided_xfs@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
- minimal+base_yast@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
- ssh-X@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
- textmode@s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Create a default yaml file for s390x zkvm which can work with all the test suite listed above
AC2: Modify only schedules for s390x zkvm to make them work with new created default
- If one schedule is used for several architecture, rather than modify, we can create a new schedule file for now to use keys instead of list of modules.
- Take inspiration from #115319