



action #117355


the description of "--skip-deps" from openqa-clone-job command is not exact

Added by jgwang over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Feature requests
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this is the description of '--skip-deps':

        Do NOT clone parent jobs (which is done by default).
  1. I tried to clone a job(such as named "A" ) with child job and parent job, and then only "A" is triggered with the option "--skip-deps", it seems like "Do NOT clone parent jobs and child jobs"
  2. I tried to clone a job(such as named "A" ) with child job and parent job, and then the job "A" and its parent job are triggered, so this option is not default
Actions #1

Updated by okurz over 2 years ago

  • Category set to Feature requests
  • Target version set to Ready
Actions #2

Updated by okurz over 2 years ago

  • Target version changed from Ready to future
Actions #3

Updated by mkittler over 2 years ago

  1. Child jobs are not cloned by default (unless it is a parallel child). That is also explained correctly in the help for --clone-children. The --skip-deps has nothing to do with that so its documentation seems accurate to me.
  2. Yes. That is not in conflict with what the documentation says how I would understand it. The "which is done by default" part is in fact explicitly stating the behavior you've observed. It does not mean that the behavior with --skip-deps would be the default. That would make the flag quite useless, right? Maybe it would help to completely remove the backed as it may be more confusing than helpful.
Actions #4

Updated by jgwang over 2 years ago

mkittler wrote:

  1. Child jobs are not cloned by default (unless it is a parallel child). That is also explained correctly in the help for --clone-children. The --skip-deps has nothing to do with that so its documentation seems accurate to me.
  2. Yes. That is not in conflict with what the documentation says how I would understand it. The "which is done by default" part is in fact explicitly stating the behavior you've observed. It does not mean that the behavior with --skip-deps would be the default. That would make the flag quite useless, right? Maybe it would help to completely remove the backed as it may be more confusing than helpful.

yes, I agree with you to remove the backed, and also I think we'd better to tell users the default behavior(Child jobs are not cloned by default) so that users don't get confused.


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