action #1065
find promo DVD vendor in .cz
Added by lnussel about 11 years ago.
Updated almost 11 years ago.
we are looking for options to produce promo DVDs. We already have some potential companies in Germany but none in .cz.
- look for companies in .cz that can produce DVDs
- get quotes
- qty 2000
- double sided DVD (DVD-10)
- printed paper sleeve
Found the first one with public quotes: - 10.9 CZK/DVD, 5 CZK/cover, 0.5 CZK putting together, 300 shipping ~ 34 500 CZK ~ 1 275 EUR
Contacting the rest, updateing as I get estimates from them: - 11,95 CZK/DVD with cover, free shipping in Prague ~ 23 900 (300 DTP) CZK ~ 883 (11) EUR - 10.79 CZK/DVD with cover, unknown shipping, but they have offices nearby ~ 21 580 CZK ~ 797 EUR - 9.90 CZK/DVD, 5.5 CZK/cover, unknown shipping ~ 30 800 CZK ~ 1 138 EUR - 16,70 CZK/DVD with cover, unknown shipping ~ 33 400 CZK ~ 1 232 EUR
All prices are without VAT and in general they require payment in advance.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
- Target version changed from 13.1 GA to 13.1 Post
It's not going to happen today, so moving target to post-release
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 40 to 100
Noone else replied, I would say if they don't reply, they can be considered dead. So let's mark this as done and as a good estimate.
If you are in need of some Promo Media, I could send you some. OpenSourcePress was so kind to sponsor them for the 13.1 release.
We got some in Prague that we took in Nuremberg, not sure what was the original evaluation goal, but currently we are covered :-) But thanks for the offer.
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