action #103864
Support arch as filter parameter in jobs/overview API route (was: The openqa-cli api command seems not support …)
Added by coolgw about 3 years ago.
Updated about 3 years ago.
Feature requests
The openqa-cli command seems not support use arch as a filter parameter, i suppose following command will filter ONLY s390x case but actually not.
./openqa-cli api --osd jobs/overview groupid=267 distri=sle version=15-SP4 build=70.1 arch=s390x --pretty jobs
"id" : 7820319,
"name" : "sle-15-SP4-Regression-on-Migration-from-SLE15-SPx-s390x-Build70.1-online_sles15sp1_ltss_pscc_basesys-srv-desk-dev-contm-lgm-py2-tsm-wsm_all_full@s390x-kvm-sle12"
"id" : 7816678,
"name" : "sle-15-SP4-Regression-on-Migration-from-SLE12-SPx-aarch64-Build70.1-offline_sles12sp5_pscc_sdk-tcm-wsm_all_full@aarch64"
- Subject changed from The openqa-cli api command seems not support use arch as a filter parameter to Support arch as filter parameter in jobs/overview API route (was: The openqa-cli api command seems not support …)
- Category set to Support
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to okurz
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version set to Ready
I can confirm that currently the API route "jobs/overview" does not support filtering by arch.
What you can use is
openqa-cli api --osd jobs/overview groupid=267 distri=sle version=15-SP4 build=70.1 jobs | jq '.[] | select(.name|contains("s390x-Build"))'
which filters as well. Does this help?
It help.
Maybe we can mention in openqa-cli help description which filter can be used.
- Category changed from Support to Feature requests
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
merged. With that the help text of openQA client tooling which is available right now includes the explicit mention of supported search parameter
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