action #103125
opencoordination #80142: [saga][epic] Scale out: Redundant/load-balancing deployments of openQA, easy containers, containers on kubernetes
coordination #103122: [epic] Test distribution template for openQA tests to use, e.g. for automatic PR tests in os-autoinst-distri-openQA
compile tests in os-autoinst-distri-openQA defined in template project size:S
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: os-autoinst-distri-openQA has compile tests
- Read parent epic
- Take compile tests from and put them into some other repo that can be reused, e.g. os-autoinst-distri-example, maybe a new dedicated one, and reuse definitions from there, maybe with git subrepo, git submodule, etc.
- Make sure that os-autoinst-distri-openQA uses these tests from there
- Add a .yml file / copy makefile / or whatever other file that can easily be copied to the example distri
Updated by livdywan over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from compile tests in os-autoinst-distri-openQA defined in template project to compile tests in os-autoinst-distri-openQA defined in template project size:S
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by kodymo about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to kodymo
Updated by livdywan about 3 years ago
Here's my very concrete suggestion on how I would approach this ticket:
- Grab which contains the "compile tests"
- Add it to a new branch in
- Add a Makefile with a "compile" target based on
Updated by tinita about 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Workable
- Assignee deleted (
Unassigning Moritz because he will switch teams.
Updated by tinita about 3 years ago
There has been a first PR to add a Makefile: