


  • Login: ktsamis
  • Email:
  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: 1
  • Registered on: 2015-09-16
  • Last sign in: 2015-09-16


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 5 5


Project Roles Registered on
QA (public) Developer 2018-11-29
openQA Project (public) Developer 2018-11-29
openQA Infrastructure (public) Developer 2018-11-29
openQA Tests (public) Developer, Reporter 2017-01-16
ALP Developer, Reporter 2022-06-14
Containers and images Developer, Reporter 2021-03-08
openQA auto review Developer, Reporter 2022-05-04
qe-yam Developer, Reporter 2020-10-02



16:03 openQA Project (public) action #16354: Unambiguous lookup of "preferred machine" for same amount of multiple machine types
mkittler wrote:
> It this still happening? Can you provide a more recent example? Because the error is not easy to s...


10:00 openQA Project (public) action #28441: Nested virtualization for openqa instance fails
Hi, sorry, I was busy with other things, so I didn't check this. Leave it to resolved and I will reopen when I check ... ktsamis


10:12 openQA Project (public) action #28441 (Resolved): Nested virtualization for openqa instance fails
I created a VM with SLES12SP2 to have as an openqa instance, I followed internal instructions for installation and co... ktsamis


13:37 openQA Project (public) action #17704 (Closed): workers Dead for real this time due to uninitialized values and permission denied
It can't access **/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease**, even though **User=_openqa-work...
10:24 openQA Project (public) action #17696 (Resolved): workers appear as Dead on webui while they are running
I see the workers as Status: Dead, Connected: Online on the webui but the service is running.
The logs for worker ...
09:01 openQA Project (public) action #17664: Whitespace in auth module config causes webui to fail to start
I will install a new VM with Leap and set up openQA there. If you need access to the old SLE ones, I can give you acc... ktsamis
08:34 openQA Project (public) action #17664: Whitespace in auth module config causes webui to fail to start
I tried to install again on SLE12-SP2 and it failed again, with the same error, same setup, everything. I deliberatel... ktsamis


14:16 openQA Project (public) action #17664: Whitespace in auth module config causes webui to fail to start
So I reinstalled the openQA and openQA-worker packages and interestingly enough the configuration files were not over... ktsamis
08:14 openQA Project (public) action #17664: Whitespace in auth module config causes webui to fail to start
I will reinstall openQA ...


15:39 openQA Project (public) action #17664: Whitespace in auth module config causes webui to fail to start
e251:/var/log # rpm -qV openQA
.......T. c /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/
S.5....T. c /etc/openqa/o...

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