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okurz, 2016-02-29 09:22
typo fix


This is the organisation wiki for the openQA Project.


openQA calls

Currently there are two recurring openQA calls conducted at SUSE on If there would be more interest from the outside the call could be made on a public platform.

Both meetings should target to finish in 15 minutes each. If more time is needed, propose to stay in the call with the required subset of attendees.

Standard rules of good "standup meetings" apply here, too, e.g.

  • Be on time (be there at meeting start)
  • Be concise (help keep the time limit)
  • Be polite
  • focus on
    • what you achieved
    • what you plan
    • where did you face problems where you could use help

"openQA backend coordination" call


  • Coordination on openQA backend development

execution: A regular daily call from Mon-Fri at 0900 UTC

"SUSE QA test coordination" call


  • Coordination on openQA based test development, especially SLE products
  • Information about important development in openQA backend by backend responsibles

execution: Mon + Wed, at 0930 UTC

If somebody from SUSE QA team will do back-end development he can attend the first call as well, of course.

ticket templates

You can use these templates to fill in tickets and further improve them with more detail over time. Copy the code block, paste it into a new issue, replace every block marked with "<…>" with your content or delete if not appropriate.


Subject: <Short description, example: "openQA dies when triggering any Windows ME tests">

## observation
<description of what can be observed and what the symptoms are, provide links to failing test results and/or put short blocks from the log output here to visualize what is happening>

## steps to reproduce
* <do this>
* <do that>
* <observe result>

## problem
<problem investigation, can also include different hypotheses, should be labeled as "H1" for first hypothesis, etc.>

## suggestion
<what to do as a first step>

## workaround
<example: retrigger job>

example ticket: #10526

feature requests

Subject: <Short description, example: "grub3 btrfs support" (feature)>

## User story
<As a <role>, I want to <do an action>, to <achieve which goal> >

## acceptance criteria
* <**AC1:** the first acceptance criterion that needs to be fulfilled to do this, example: Clicking "restart button" causes restart of the job>
* <**AC2:** also think about the "not-actions", example: other jobs are not affected>

## tasks
* <first task to do as an easy starting point>
* <what do do next>
* <optional: mark "optional" tasks>

## further details
<everything that does not fit into above sections>

example ticket: #10212

User stories

User story 1

User: QA-Project Managment
primary actor: QA Project Manager, QA Team Leads
stakeholder: Directors, VP
trigger: product milestones, providing a daily status
user story: „As a QA project manager I want to check on a daily basis the „openQA Dashboard“ to get a summary/an overall status of the „reviewers results“ in order to take the right actions and prioritize tasks in QA accordingly.“

User story 2

User: openQA-Admin
primary actor: Backend-Team
stakeholder: Qa-Prjmgr, QA-TL, openQA Tech-Lead
trigger: Bugs, features, new testcases
user story: „As an openQA admin I constantly check in the web-UI the system health and I manage its configuration to ensure smooth operation of the tool.“

User story 3

User: QA-Reviewer
primary actor: QA-Team
stakeholder: QA-Prjmgr, Release-Mgmt, openQA-Admin
trigger: every new build
user story: „As an openQA-Reviewer at any point in time I review on the webpage of openQA the overall status of a build in order to track and find bugs, because I want to find bugs as early as possible and report them.“

User story 4

User: Testcase-Contributor
primary actor: All development teams, Maintenance QA
stakeholder: QA-Reviewer, openQA-Admin, openQA Tech-Lead
trigger: features, new functionality, bugs, new product/package
user story: 4. „As developer when there are new features, new functionality, bugs, new product/package in git I contribute my testcases because I want to ensure good quality submissions and smooth product integration.“

User story 5

User: Release-Mgmt
primary actor: Release Manager
stakeholder: Directors, VP, PM, TAMs, Partners
trigger: Milestones
user story: „As a Release-Manager on a daily basis I check on a dashboard for the product health/build status in order to act early in case of failures and have concrete and current reports.“

User story 6

User: Staging-Admin
primary actor: Staging-Manager for the products
stakeholder: Release-Mgmt, Build-Team
trigger: every single submission to projects
user story: „As a Staging-Manager I review the build status of packages with every staged submission to the „staging projects“ in the „staging dashboard“ and the test-status of the pre-integrated fixes, because I want to identify major breakage before integration to the products and provide fast feedback back to the development.“


The following terms are used within the context of openQA:

  • test modules: an individual test case in a single perl module file, e.g. "sshxterm". If not further specified a test module is denoted with its "short name" equivalent to the filename including the test definition. The "full name" is composed of the test group (TBC), which itself is formed by the top-folder of the test module file, and the short name, e.g. "x11-sshxterm" (for x11/
  • test suite: a collection of test modules, e.g. "textmode". All test modules within one test suite are run serially
  • job: one run of individual test cases in a row denoted by a unique number for one instance of openQA, e.g. one installation with subsequent testing of applications within gnome
  • test run: equivalent to job
  • test result: the result of one job, e.g. "passed" with the details of each individual test module
  • test step: the execution of one test module within a job
  • distri: a test distribution but also sometimes referring to a product (CAUTION: ambiguous, historically a "GNU/Linux distribution"), composed of multiple test modules in a folder structure that compose test suites, e.g. "opensuse" (test distribution, short for "os-autoinst-distri-opensuse")
  • product: the main "system under test" (SUT), e.g. "openSUSE"
  • job group: equivalent to product, used in context of the webUI
  • version: one version of a product, don't confuse with builds, e.g. "Tumbleweed"
  • flavor: a specific variant of a product to distinguish differing variants, e.g. "DVD"
  • arch: an architecture variant of a product, e.g. "x86_64"
  • scenario: A composition of <distri>-<version>-<flavor>-<arch>-<scenario>, e.g. "openSUSE-Tumbleweed-DVD-x86_64-gnome", nicknamed koala
  • build: Different versions of a product as tested, can be considered a "sub-version" of version, e.g. "Build1234"; CAUTION: ambiguity: either with the prefix "Build" included or not)

Thoughts about categorizing test results, issues, states within openQA

by okurz

When reviewing test results it is important to distinguish between different causes of "failed tests"


Test status categories

A common definition about the status of a test regarding the product it tests: "false|true positive|negative" as described on "positive|negative" describes the outcome of a test ("positive": PASSED; "negative": FAILED) whereas "false|true" describes the conclusion of the test regarding the presence of issues in the SUT or product in our case ("true": correct reporting; "false": incorrect reporting), e.g. "true negative", test successful, no issues detected and there are no issues, product is working as expected by customer. Another example: Think of testing as of a fire alarm. An alarm (event detector) should only go off (be "positive") if there is a fire (event to detect) --> "true positive" whereas if there is no fire there should be no alarm --> "true negative".

Another common but potentially ambiguous categorization:

  • broken: the test is not behaving as expected (Ambiguity: "as expected" by whom?) --> commonly a "false positive", can also be "false negative" but hard to detect
  • failing: the test is behaving as expected, but the test output is a fail --> "true positive"
  • working: the test is behaving as expected (with no comment regarding the result, though some might ambiguously imply 'result is negative')
  • passing: the test is behaving as expected, but the result is a success --> "true negative"

If in doubt declare a test as "broken". We should review the test and examine if it is behaving as expected.

Be careful about "positive/negative" as some might also use "positive" to incorrectly denote a passing test (and "negative" for failing test) as an indicator of "working product" not an indicator about "issue present". If you argue what is "used in common speech" think about how "false positive" is used as in "false alarm" --> "positive" == "alarm raised", also see

Priorization of work regarding categories

In this sense development+QA want to accomplish a "true negative" state whenever possible (no issues present, therefore none detected). As QA and test developers we want to prevent "false positives" ("false alarms" declaring a product as broken when it is not but the test failed for other reasons), also known as "type I error" and "false negatives" (a product issue is not catched by tests and might "slip through" QA and at worst is only found by an external outside customer) also known as "type II error". Also see In the context of openQA and system testing paired with screen matching a "false positive" is much more likely as the tests are very susceptible to subtle variations and changes even if they should be accepted. So when in doubt, create an issue in progress, look at it again, and find that it was a false alarm, rather than wasting more peoples time with INVALID bug reports by believing the product to be broken when it isn't. To quote Richard Brown: "I […] believe this is the route to ongoing improvement - if we have tests which produce such false alarms, then that is a clear indicator that the test needs to be reworked to be less ambiguous, and that IS our job as openQA developers to deal with".

Further categorization of statuses, issues and such in testing, especially automatic tests

By okurz

This categorization scheme is meant to help in communication in either written or spoken discussions being simple, concise, easy to remember while unambiguous in every case.
While used for naming it should also be used as a decision tree and can be followed from the top following each branch.

Categorization scheme

To keep it simple I will try to go in steps of deciding if a potential issue is of one of two categories in every step (maybe three) and go further down from there. The degree of further detailing is not limited, i.e. it can be further extended. Naming scheme should follow arabic number (for two levels just 1 and 2) counting schemes added from the right for every additional level of decision step and detail without any separation between the digits, e.g. "1111" for the first type in every level of detail up to level four. Also, I am thinking of giving the fully written form phonetic name to unambiguously identify each on every level as long as not more individual levels are necessary. The alphabet should be reserved for higher levels and higher priority types.
Every leaf of the tree must have an action assigned to it.

1 failed (ZULU)
11 new (passed->failed) (YANKEE)
111 product issue ("true positive") (WHISKEY)
1111 unfiled issue (SIERRA)
11111 hard issue (KILO)
111121 critical / potential ship stopper (INDIA) --> immediately file bug report with "ship_stopper?" flag; opt. inform RM directly
111122 non-critical hard issue (HOTEL) --> file bug report
11112 soft issue (JULIETT) --> file bug report
1112 bugzilla bug exists (ROMEO)
11121 bug was known to openqa / openqa developer --> cross-reference (bug->test, test->bug) AND raise review process issue, improve openqa process
11122 bug was filed by other sources (e.g. beta-tester) --> cross-reference (bug->test, test->bug)
112 test issue ("false positive") (VICTOR)
1121 progress issue exists (QUEBEC) --> cross-reference (issue->test, test->issue)
1122 unfiled test issue (PAPA)
11221 easy to do w/o progress issue
112211 need needles update --> re-needle if sure, TODO how to notify?
112212 pot. flaky, timeout
1122121 retrigger yields PASS --> comment in progress about flaky issue fixed
1122122 reproducible on retrigger --> file progress issue
11222 needs progress issue filed --> file progress issue
12 existing / still failing (failed->failed) (XRAY)
121 product issue (UNIFORM)
1211 unfiled issue (OSCAR) --> file bug report AND raise review process issue (why has it not been found and filed?)
1212 bugzilla bug exists (NOVEMBER) --> ensure cross-reference, also see rules for 1112 ROMEO
122 test issue (TANGO)
1221 progress issue exists (MIKE) --> monitor, if persisting reprioritize test development work
1222 needs progress issue filed (LIMA) --> file progress issue AND raise review process issue, see 1211 OSCAR
2 passed (ALFA)
21 stable (passed->passed) (BRAVO)
211 existing "true negative" (DELTA) --> monitor, maybe can be made stricter
212 existing "false negative" (ECHO) --> needs test improvement
22 fixed (failed->passed) (CHARLIE)
222 fixed "true negative" (FOXTROTT) --> TODO split monitor, see 211 DELTA
2221 was test issue --> close progress issue
2222 was product issue
22221 no bug report exists --> raise review process issue (why was it not filed?)
22222 bug report exists
222221 was marked as RESOLVED FIXED
221 fixed but "false negative" (GOLF) --> potentially revert test fix, also see 212 ECHO

Priority from high to low: INDIA->OSCAR->HOTEL->JULIETT->…

Further decision steps working on test issues

Test issues could be one of the following sources

  • "accepted product changes"

    • product changed slightly but in an acceptable way without the need for communication with DEV+RM --> adapt test
    • product changed slightly but in an acceptable way found after feedback from RM --> adapt test
    • product changed significantly --> after approval by RM adapt test
  • changes in test setup, e.g. our test hardware equipment behaves different or the network

  • changes in test infrastructure software, e.g. os-autoinst, openQA

  • changes in test management configuration, e.g. openQA database settings

  • changes in the test software itself

Test reviewing

There are some features in openQA for reviewing test results and common practices. Some of these features are presented here based on the pull requests from github.

Show previous results in test results page gh#538

On a tests result page there is a tab for "previous results" showing the result of test runs in the same scenario. This shows previous builds as well as test runs in the same build. This way you can easily check and compare results from before including any comments, labels, bug references (see next section). This helps to answer questions like "Is this a new issue", "Is it reproducable", "has it been seen in before", "how does the history look like".

Querying the database for former test runs of the same scenario is a rather
costly operation which we do not want to do for multiple test results at once
but only for each individual test result (1:1 relation). This is why this is done in each individual test result and not for a complete build.

The evaluation of previous jobs is limited but can be adjusted with the query parameter limit_previous=<nr> in the test URL, e.g. to provide a link to the tab in the results page showing the previous 30 results of test 1234 on you would write

Remember that the higher the limit, the more complex the database queries will be increasing the lookup time as well as the load on openQA to generate the result.

Related issue: #10212

Screenshot of feature:

Show bug or label icon on overview if labeled gh#550

  • Show bug icon with URL if mentioned in test comments
  • Show bug or label icon on overview if labeled

For bugreferences write <bugtracker_shortname>#<bug_nr> in a comment, e.g. "bsc#1234", for generic labels use label:<keyword> where <keyword> can be any valid character up to the next whitespace, e.g. "false_positive". The keywords are not defined within openQA itself. A valid list of keywords should be decided upon within each project or environment of one openQA instance.

Example for a generic label:

Example for bug label:

Related issue: #10212

Show certificate next to builds on overview if all failures are labeled gh#560

Based on comments in the individual job results for each build a certificate
icon is shown on the group overview page as well as the index page to indicate
that every failure has been reviewed, e.g. a bug reference or a test issue
reason is stated. Only the failed and incomplete jobs are regarded for the
evaluation if a build is considered "reviewed".

If the badge appears you know you are done for one complete build :-)

Example screenshot:

Allow group overview query by result gh#531

This allows e.g. to show only failed builds. Could be included like in for "known defects".

Example: Add query parameters like …&result=failed&arch=x86_64 to show only failed for the single architecture selected.

Old content


Sprint 01
Sprint 02
Sprint 03

Updated by okurz about 9 years ago · 310 revisions