



Cockpit Manual testing » History » Revision 2

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jlausuch, 2022-09-22 19:03



Install the needed modules

Make sure the following packages are installed on the system:

S  | Name                     | Summary                                                                      | Type
i  | alp_cockpit              | Web based remote system managemet                                            | pattern
   | cockpit                  | Web Console for Linux servers                                                | package
   | cockpit                  | Web Console for Linux servers                                                | srcpackage
i  | cockpit-bridge           | Cockpit bridge server-side component                                         | package
   | cockpit-bridge-debuginfo | Debug information for package cockpit-bridge                                 | package
   | cockpit-debuginfo        | Debug information for package cockpit                                        | package
   | cockpit-debugsource      | Debug sources for package cockpit                                            | package
   | cockpit-devel            | Development files for for Cockpit                                            | package
   | cockpit-doc              | Cockpit deployment and developer guide                                       | package
   | cockpit-kdump            | Cockpit user interface for kernel crash dumping                              | package
   | cockpit-machines         | Cockpit user interface for virtual machines                                  | package
   | cockpit-machines         | Cockpit user interface for virtual machines                                  | srcpackage
i  | cockpit-networkmanager   | Cockpit user interface for networking, using NetworkManager                  | package
   | cockpit-packagekit       | Cockpit user interface for packages                                          | package
   | cockpit-pcp              | Cockpit PCP integration                                                      | package
   | cockpit-pcp-debuginfo    | Debug information for package cockpit-pcp                                    | package
i  | cockpit-podman           | Cockpit component for Podman containers                                      | package
   | cockpit-podman           | Cockpit component for Podman containers                                      | srcpackage
   | cockpit-storaged         | Cockpit user interface for storage, using udisks                             | package
i  | cockpit-system           | Cockpit admin interface package for configuring and troubleshooting a system | package
   | cockpit-tests            | Tests for Cockpit                                                            | package
   | cockpit-tests-debuginfo  | Debug information for package cockpit-tests                                  | package
   | cockpit-tukit            | Cockpit module for Transactional Update                                      | package
   | cockpit-tukit            | Cockpit module for Transactional Update                                      | srcpackage
   | cockpit-ws               | Cockpit Web Service                                                          | package
   | cockpit-ws-debuginfo     | Debug information for package cockpit-ws                                     | package
i+ | patterns-alp-cockpit     | Web based remote system managemet                                            | package

Install missing packages:
transactional-update pkg install cockpit cockpit-bridge cockpit-doc cockpit-kdump cockpit-machines cockpit-packagekit cockpit-pcp cockpit-storaged cockpit-system cockpit-tukit cockpit-ws

Reboot the system.

Start cockpit service

systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

In a browser, load the Cockpit UI using https://:9090.

If it's unreachable, check if firewalld is enabled:
systemctl status firewalld

Most probably, port 9090 is not opened:
firewall-cmd --list-ports

Open it:

firewall-cmd --add-port=9090/tcp
firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent
firewall-cmd --list-ports

If this doesn't work, try disabling the firewall:
systemctl status firewalld
os simply open port 9090.

Overview Tab

Logs Tab

Storage Tab

Podman Containers Tab

Virtual Machines Tab

Accounts Tab

Services Tab

Kernel Dump Tab

SELinux Tab

Software Updates Tab

Terminal Tab

Updated by jlausuch over 2 years ago · 4 revisions