


Cockpit Manual testing » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (jlausuch, 2022-09-22 13:46) → Revision 2/4 (jlausuch, 2022-09-22 19:03)


 ### Preparation 

 #### Install the needed modules 

 Make sure the following packages are installed on the system: 
 S    | Name                       | Summary                                                                        | Type ---+------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------- 
 i    i+ | alp_cockpit                | Web based remote system managemet                                              | pattern 
    | cockpit                                     | Web Console for Linux servers                                                  | package 
    | cockpit                    | Web Console for Linux servers                                                  | srcpackage 
 i    | cockpit-bridge                       | Cockpit bridge server-side component                                           | package 
 i+ | cockpit-bridge-debuginfo | Debug information for package cockpit-bridge                                   | package 
    | cockpit-debuginfo          | Debug information for package cockpit                                          | package 
    | cockpit-debugsource        | Debug sources for package cockpit                                              | package 
    | cockpit-devel              | Development files for for Cockpit                                              | package 
    | cockpit-doc                | Cockpit deployment and developer guide                                         | package 
    | cockpit-kdump                         | Cockpit user interface for kernel crash dumping                                | package 
 i+ | cockpit-machines                   | Cockpit user interface for virtual machines                                    | package 
    | cockpit-machines           | Cockpit user interface for virtual machines                                    | srcpackage 
 i    i+ | cockpit-networkmanager     | Cockpit user interface for networking, using NetworkManager                    | package 
    | cockpit-packagekit         | Cockpit user interface for packages                                            | package 
    | cockpit-pcp                | Cockpit PCP integration                                                        | package 
    | cockpit-pcp-debuginfo      | Debug information for package cockpit-pcp                                      | package 
 i    i+ | cockpit-podman                       | Cockpit component for Podman containers                                        | package 
 i+ | cockpit-podman             cockpit-selinux          | Cockpit component for Podman containers                                        SELinux package                                                        | srcpackage 
 i+ | cockpit-storaged                   | Cockpit user interface for storage, using udisks                               | package 
 i    i+ | cockpit-system                       | Cockpit admin interface package for configuring and troubleshooting a system | package 
 i+ | cockpit-tests              | Tests for Cockpit                                                              | package 
    | cockpit-tests-debuginfo    | Debug information for package cockpit-tests                                    | package 
    | cockpit-tukit                         | Cockpit module for Transactional Update                                        | package 
 i+ | cockpit-tukit              | Cockpit module for Transactional Update                                        | srcpackage 
    | cockpit-ws                               | Cockpit Web Service                                                            | package 
    | cockpit-ws-debuginfo       | Debug information for package cockpit-ws                                       | package 
 i+ | patterns-alp-cockpit       | Web based remote system managemet                                              | package 
 Install missing packages: If needed, to install them: 
 `transactional-update pkg install cockpit cockpit-bridge cockpit-doc cockpit-kdump cockpit-machines    cockpit-packagekit    cockpit-pcp cockpit-storaged cockpit-system cockpit-tukit    cockpit-ws` cockpit-X cockpit-Y cockpit-Z` 

 Reboot the system. 

 #### Start cockpit service 
 `systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket` 

 In a browser, load the Cockpit UI using https://<IP>:9090. 

 If it's unreachable, check if firewalld is enabled: 
 `systemctl status firewalld` 

 Most probably, port 9090 is not opened: 
 `firewall-cmd --list-ports` 

 Open it: 
 firewall-cmd --add-port=9090/tcp 
 firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent 
 firewall-cmd --list-ports 

 If this doesn't work, try disabling the firewall: 
 `systemctl status firewalld` 
 os simply open port 9090. 

 ## Overview Tab 

 ## Logs Tab 

 ## Storage Tab 

 ## Podman Containers Tab 

 ## Virtual Machines Tab 

 ## Accounts Tab 

 ## Services Tab 

 ## Kernel Dump Tab 

 ## SELinux Tab 

 ## Software Updates Tab 

 ## Terminal Tab