


action #31585

Updated by JERiveraMoya over 6 years ago

Regarding how could be implemented in future a full installation in another languages I was playing around and researching a bit. This is what I found:  
 + I was able to change qumu language adding after 
 `gen_params @params, 'k',         $vars->{QEMULANGUAGE}       if $vars->{QEMULANGUAGE}; 
 + Our has a working subroutine select_bootmenu_language that allows to change the language, but should be called the first and not the last due to we need to first change the language to type the bootloader parameters. 
   --> It works but VNC is in the middle and keys that needs modifier keys (shift, alt, control, etc) does not return the right result (as I could check returns the right key in the corresponding language without using shift for example). 
      --> How is done in autoinst?: There is a specific mapping 
 + On the other hand, we might not want to change the language in the bootloader, but once the qemu is configured with -k we need to do it because it starts to convert from the very beginning. 
 I found specially interesting this article recommended in the qemu documentation which doesn't recommend to use -k parameter in the same way that many other sources neither do.
