


action #30730

Updated by mgriessmeier over 6 years ago

Right now I'm facing the issue that I want to retrigger a subset of jobs from one medium. 

 All of them are booting a HDD Image so they all have the variable START_AFTER_TEST=create_hdd_textmode set. 

 Since it is a retrigger of those because I had to change some variables in the webui, I don't want to trigger the parent creation job triggered again, since it already passed and the qcow image is present - but this is exactly what happens 

 This could be improved (e.g. checking if the qcow is already present) to reduce test-execution time and reducing chance of possible failures for other tests relying on that qcow image (e.g. when it gets newly published during another test runs) 

 I've tried two things to do the trick, but failed. 

 - adding START_AFTER_TEST=0 to the isos post call leads to  
 ´START_AFTER_TEST=0:aarch64 not found - check for typos and dependency cycles` 

 - leaving it just blank with "START_AFTER_TEST=" was triggering the creation job as well
