


action #163013

Updated by mkittler 5 months ago

## Observation 
 On OSD 

 openqa:~ # systemctl status openqa-minion-restart 
 × openqa-minion-restart.service - Restarts services which are using Minion 
      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openqa-minion-restart.service; static) 
      Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2024-06-29 07:14:21 CEST; 6h ago 
 TriggeredBy: ● openqa-minion-restart.path 
    Main PID: 17501 (code=exited, status=5) 

 Jun 29 07:14:11 openqa systemd[1]: Starting Restarts services which are using Minion... 
 Jun 29 07:14:11 openqa systemctl[17501]: Failed to try-restart openqa-worker-cacheservice.service: Unit openqa-worker-cacheservice.service not found. 
 Jun 29 07:14:11 openqa systemctl[17501]: Failed to try-restart openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service: Unit openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service not> 
 Jun 29 07:14:21 openqa systemd[1]: openqa-minion-restart.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=5/NOTINSTALLED 
 Jun 29 07:14:21 openqa systemd[1]: openqa-minion-restart.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. 
 Jun 29 07:14:21 openqa systemd[1]: Failed to start Restarts services which are using Minion. 
 openqa:~ # rpm -qf /usr/lib/systemd/system/openqa-minion-restart.service 
 openqa:~ # systemctl cat openqa-minion-restart 
 # /usr/lib/systemd/system/openqa-minion-restart.service 
 Description=Restarts services which are using Minion 

 ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl try-restart openqa-webui.service openqa-gru.service openqa-worker-cacheservice.service openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service 

 ## Suggestions 
 * ~~The The cache service is restarted when it's not supposed to be running anyway? It's not even supposed to exist on OSD~~ This service is for the Minion service (gru) on the web UI so it makes sense that it is executed on OSD. OSD 
 * Take a look into 
 which was implemented 3 months ago as part of #158814 
 * So investigate why the openqa-minion-restart service fails now and did not fail in before ~~because because the cacheservice was already not existant on OSD in before, or was it by mistake? Maybe an update of systemd now changed behavior?~~ behaviour?
