


action #163013

Updated by okurz 6 months ago

## Observation 

 On OSD 

 openqa:~ # systemctl status openqa-minion-restart 
 × openqa-minion-restart.service - Restarts services which are using Minion 
      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openqa-minion-restart.service; static) 
      Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2024-06-29 07:14:21 CEST; 6h ago 
 TriggeredBy: ● openqa-minion-restart.path 
    Main PID: 17501 (code=exited, status=5) 

 Jun 29 07:14:11 openqa systemd[1]: Starting Restarts services which are using Minion... 
 Jun 29 07:14:11 openqa systemctl[17501]: Failed to try-restart openqa-worker-cacheservice.service: Unit openqa-worker-cacheservice.service not found. 
 Jun 29 07:14:11 openqa systemctl[17501]: Failed to try-restart openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service: Unit openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service not> 
 Jun 29 07:14:21 openqa systemd[1]: openqa-minion-restart.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=5/NOTINSTALLED 
 Jun 29 07:14:21 openqa systemd[1]: openqa-minion-restart.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. 
 Jun 29 07:14:21 openqa systemd[1]: Failed to start Restarts services which are using Minion. 
 openqa:~ # rpm -qf /usr/lib/systemd/system/openqa-minion-restart.service 
 openqa:~ # systemctl cat openqa-minion-restart 
 # /usr/lib/systemd/system/openqa-minion-restart.service 
 Description=Restarts services which are using Minion 

 ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl try-restart openqa-webui.service openqa-gru.service openqa-worker-cacheservice.service openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service 

 ## Suggestions 
 * The cache service is restarted when it's not supposed to be running anyway? It's not even supposed to exist on OSD 
 * Take a look into 
 which was implemented 3 months ago as part of #158814 
 * So investigate why the openqa-minion-restart service fails now and did not fail in before because the cacheservice was already not existant on OSD in before, or was it by mistake? Maybe an update of systemd now changed behaviour?
