


action #160622

Updated by JERiveraMoya about 2 months ago

#### Motivation 
 For [bug#1224393](, we haven't covered such test for RAID with encrypted partitions. 
 This is the classical way, formatting directly the disk and not creating partitions inside the multi-disk RAIDs. Long time ago (years...) once the feature to create partitions inside multi-disk and other kind of disk was available we shifted test coverage to it, loosing the classical way. The root cause of this mostly not having better described in PRD what is expected of such a complex tool as the expert partitioner according to customer cases. 

 To remediate what What we need do to avoid further regressions: do: 
 - Get the AY profile from a through manual configure on cloned openQA job with 2 disks. job. 
 - Handle Need deal with the specific prompt for decrypting /home. 
 - Create test data in similar way that we do for jobs for RAID to check the correct partitioning. 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
  **AC1**: AutoYaST Add automation is added covering this specific scenario. 
  **AC2**: Validation test for RAID with test data allow us to detect that the encrypted home partition should be part of the new created RAID multi-disk. partitions
