action #159747
Updated by okurz 9 months ago
## Observation
In the os-autoinst/openQA repo Inside openQA/container folder there are several Dockerfiles and it seems that only some of them are really used. Only a subset of the definitions defined is really built in build inside OBS and another subset is documented. Some of them look looks similar (i.e. openqa_dev vs. openqa_devel) and without clear documentation one could hardly know it they have a similar purpose. This solution is not optimal.
## Acceptance criteria
**AC1**: All containers within openqa/container are known, built successfully build and documented
**AC2**: Potential duplicate containers are merged
**AC3**: There are no unused containers
## Suggestions
* Lookup all current container definitions in as well as and sub-projects
* Try out especially development-related containers
* Ensure documentation is up-to-date in particular for first-time users and contributors