


action #159402

Updated by okurz 11 months ago

## Observation at the bottom shows in "SSL expiration" 

 Status: 500. Message: InfluxDB returned error: error parsing query: found FROM, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 9 

 Maybe the problem is related due to low data collection periods and trying to show data for a small period, like 1h, by default in grafana? Valid data is still shown if a time period like 7 days is selected but the influxdb error still shows up 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** Panel shows valid data independant of the time period selection again 
 * **AC2:** no InfluxDB error on the panel 
 * **AC3:** SSL expiration alert has been crosschecked for validity 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Go into definition of the panel, fix the error 
 * Crosscheck the validity of the data as soon it shows up again 
 * Ensure that a valid minimum time period is seelected at all times 
 * Crosscheck validity of the related alert
